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Gadget Care Guidelines
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Tips for Getting Earphones to Fit Properly

Even the best in-ear headphones can sound awful and feel uncomfortable if they're not seated properly in your ear. Let's see how to get a proper fit!

  • Size Matters

  • Seat the eartip firmly

  • Secure the tip for sports



Getting the perfect seal also requires finding the correct tip size. Most in-ears come with a few different sizes of tip, as well as different materials like rubbers and foams. Start with the medium size rubber tip. If that doesn't give you a great seal, move down one size to the smaller tip and try that first. Try the largest size last — you'd be surprised, but a smaller tip sometimes gives you the more comfortable seal. If the rubber tips aren't working, try the foam variety. There's a company called Comply that makes excellent foam tips for all different kinds of earbuds and in-ear headphones. So if none of the tips that came in the box work for you, give Comply a shot.


See details for more information!

How Can I Stop Losing and Breaking My Headphones?

To stop losing and breaking your headphones anymore:


  • Learn to Coil Your Headphone Cables So They Don't Break

  • Reinforce Your Headphones with Sugru or Heat-Shrink Tubing

  • Get Headphones with Removable Cables, or Hack Your Own

  • Store Your Headphones Properly

  • Stop Buying Disposable Headphones


Hopefully, these tips will help you buy better headphones or repair the ones you have. I know what it's like to spend $15-$20 repeatedly every couple of months on what you hope are headphones that will last a long time, only to be disappointed when they start acting up after regular use. You're not cursed, we promise!

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